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Are you sick of fad diets & Pinterest meal plans? Stuck in the rut of trying new things & the scale never moving? I was too.

After birthing my twins, a health scare that left me with a life-threatening condition, & two more c-sections, I was finally able to feel confident again in my body & it wasn't from a hard-core diet or an excessive workout plan. In fact, I still eat all my favorite foods (just ask my family, I love me some cookies & ice cream). My confidence came through understanding my individual body's needs & simple lifestyle changes. (Yes, I really mean simple, I'm a mom of 4 under 6, it's gotta be simple).

Best part, I want to help you do the same. So, are you ready? Let's do this together.

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Hi, I’m Keneika!


I’m a mom, wife, & entrepreneur & believe it or not, i have been where you are…

I know how hard it might seem to prioritize your needs. I know it seems easier to put your needs on the back burner yet again. I know how overwhelming this journey can be. I also know how difficult it can be to just get STARTED.

I’m going to let you in on a little secret…

You don’t have to do it alone!

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1:1 Coaching

  • Customized Personal Training & Nutrition Program within App
  • Live Coaching Calls
  • Daily Accountability
  • Bi-Weekly 1:1 Progress Check Ins
  • Habit Tracking
  • Lifetime Access to Education Resources
  • Access to a Community
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Group Coaching

  • Customized Nutrition Program with Workouts via the APP
  • Weekly Q&A’s
  • Weekly Accountability & Educational Posts
  • Weekly Coaching Lessons
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DIY Program

  • Nutrition Goals & Guidelines via App
  • Workout Program via App
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