Group Coaching 🍁


Have you said things like:

- I can’t have carbs.

- I need to workout but don’t know what to do.

- I want to lose weight but don’t know where to start?

- I can’t eat that on my diet. 

- I don’t have any time.

How many times have you tried one of those & ended up gaining the weight back or quitting?
Guess what?! Most weight loss in diets is gained back within 2 years..
The reason why is simple - these diets aren’t sustainable!  You're told what to eat, how much to eat & when to eat.  How crazy is that!?!?
My approach is different. 
It's not like anything you've tried before. I PROMISE.
This program WILL NOT:
🚫 tell you to cut out cake, ice cream, or your fav foods
🚫 make you workout for more than you have time for
🚫 make you feel guilty
🚫 give you a list of things you HAVE to do to see weight loss
But it WILL show you:
✔️how to design a program BUILT JUST FOR YOU
✔️how to effectively build & sustain new habits
✔️how to enjoy the foods you love with balance
✔️how to sustain your progress for the rest of your life

When you join Fit N’ Eats, you'll get everything you need to be successful during the program & beyond!

What’s Included:

  • Personalized Nutrition Program
  • 6 week home or gym plan designed to help you build muscle & tone up
  • The Fit N’ Eats Manual, travel guides, meal prep guide, nutrition cheat Sheets, recipes, tips & tricks for success, grocery guide, & MORE!
  • Daily accountability & educational posts
  • Weekly lessons on topics, such as:
    • What are macros & why they matter
    • Customizing your program 
    • All things Metabolism
    • How to handle holidays, vacations, weekends & special occasions
    • How to deal with the scale, emotional eating & 
  • Weekly Live Q & A's 
  • Weekly Giveaways & Prizes
  • Supportive Community
  • Exclusive 24/7 access to the private Facebook group to provide a space to ask questions, connect with other moms, celebrate wins, share recipes, & provide an additional layer of support & accountability.
  • & a few more surprises♥️

Upon purchase, you'll get a separate email with an in-depth questionnaire to help me craft the best program for YOU! Please be open & honest & provide me with as much detail as possible. 

All of this for only $129.99 $39.99

$39.99 USD